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Turning your passion for sport into a career at university in Australia

Abhishek had always wanted to study sport. Realising that the sport industry in India was growi...

Finding confidence with a career in sport

As an introvert, Oscar has always liked how sport can bring him out of his comfort zone and he ...

Exploring a new country with new friends

Located on the southern coast of Australia, the regional city of Warrnambool is the perfect pla...

Water management for a sustainable future

Sometimes it isn’t what you study but where you study that can have a huge impact on your fut...

Helping graduates get a start on their career

Deakin University graduates have been making a direct and lasting impact on local companies tha...

Turning my passion for sports into business skills

My name is Hritish Kakati, I am a Vice-Chancellor’s Meritorious Scholar 2021 from India and a...

Tips, tricks and techniques for a fulfilling international student experience in Australia

My name is Girish Gupta and I’m a recent graduate of Deakin's Master of Business Administrati...

How Warrnambool set me up for success

Warrnambool is the Australian state of Victoria’s fifth largest city and the largest town on ...

Turning my design dream into a business reality

I am Wallapa. I graduated from Deakin University with a Bachelor of Design (Architecture) in 20...

Studying at Deakin facilitated my career success

My name is Emily, and I am from Vietnam. From a very young age, I was always passionate about s...

How Deakin transformed me

My name is Tayyaba and my home country is Pakistan. I graduated from Deakin University, Austral...

Studying at Deakin has been one of the best decisions I have ever made

My name is Reinhard and I am from Indonesia. When I first came to Australia, I was enrolled in ...

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** ARWU Rankings 2023
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