China, Sport, Student Stories
Finding confidence with a career in sport
As an introvert, Oscar has always liked how sport can bring him out of his comfort zone and he ...

Careers, Discover Deakin
Get the experience you need for the career you want
There are many reasons to study at an overseas university. It is an opportunity to experience a...

Business, China, Student Stories
How Warrnambool set me up for success
Warrnambool is the Australian state of Victoria’s fifth largest city and the largest town on ...

Student Stories, Zimbabwe
Making the most of my Deakin journey and exploring career opportunities
My name is Christian and I am Zimbabwean. I came to Australia in 2017 on a pathway program that...

Business, Student Stories, Vietnam
Studying at Deakin facilitated my career success
My name is Emily, and I am from Vietnam. From a very young age, I was always passionate about s...

Communication and creative arts, Indonesia, Student Stories
Studying at Deakin has been one of the best decisions I have ever made
My name is Reinhard and I am from Indonesia. When I first came to Australia, I was enrolled in ...
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Discover Deakin, Geelong, Health and social development, Science, Study
Opportunities in occupational therapy
Passionate about improving people’s quality of life? Why not study occupational therapy?...

Geelong, Lifestyle, Student Stories, Support, Vietnam
Community, culture and connection: starting an international student society
In 2022, Stacy Doan arrived at Deakin’s Geelong Waterfront Campus to start her undergraduate ...

Discover Deakin
Choosing the accommodation that is right for you
It is no secret that many countries – including Australia – are struggling with housing ava...

Discover Deakin, Support
How to adapt to a new country
Studying in a new country can be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. It is an op...

Discover Deakin, Study
Start your degree on your schedule
Deakin has three start times each year, so you can keep your goals on track....

Humanities and social sciences, Study, Uncategorised
Arts degrees for the future
An arts degree from Deakin can open up your career possibilities....

Careers, Discover Deakin, Engineering
Practical engineering education
Deakin's new Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) focusses on practical learning with no exams....

Discover Deakin, Study, Uncategorised
An education agent can help you apply to Deakin
Most international students who come to Deakin apply with the help of an agent...

Discover Deakin, Study
Enhancing your English at Deakin
Deakin University is the ideal place for you to improve your language skills....

China, Discover Deakin, Nursing and midwifery, Study, Warrnambool
Studying in a close-knit community
Veronica studies nursing in the close-knit community of Warrnambool. ...

Careers, Study, Uncategorised
Starting a legacy in law
As the first in his family to attend university, Amgad wants to start a trend....

Discover Deakin, Study
Teaching for success
Ar Deakin, we teach what you need to have a successful and rewarding career....